To the Heart with Father Pete

Hello my friends! Several of you have asked me to address both personal & spiritual questions. Here are some questions and my answers to them. I invite more questions. Call me, write me or send questions to Diana for this bulletin article ( This article will also appear on our Facebook and Blog on our website.

Ricky H. asks: “Why are women not allowed to be priests?”

Father Pete: For two-thousand years the Church has not ordained women. The Church teaches that it does not have the authority from God to ordain women to the priesthood. This makes many of us sad or even angry. I don’t know why this is true. It seems that only the apostles were ordained. Maybe because a priest represents Jesus the bridegroom to His Church, the bride, the priest needs to be male. Spiritually before God the human soul is understood to be feminine. The Church is not only called the body of Christ, but the bride of Christ. It makes sense that the symbol of Christ as the groom would be male. We won’t know until we get to Heaven. I hope this helps a little.

                                 Love, Fr. Pete