Blessing of Easter Food

Easter cupcakes

For many, the tradition of bringing a basket of your Easter foods to the church to be blessed on Holy Saturday is a long and rich tradition. In the current status of “social distancing” we are unable to gather in our parish church. But you can still offer your food in prayer and celebrate the joys of Easter. Feel free to use this suggested format. Alleluia!

All: “In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Leader: “We have journeyed through the forty days of Lent to deepen our relationship with the Lord. We have prepared our hearts to take part in a joyous Easter celebration. Throughout history God has always cared for and loved His people. He sent Manna in the desert; He sent Christ to be our Paschal Lamb; He feeds us in Holy Communion. In this simple prayer we celebrate the many blessings that sustain us in our daily lives represented in the bounty of our Easter table.”

Invite those at the Easter table to offer these various prayers …

1. “May the bread we enjoy remind us of Jesus, the bread of life.”

2. “May the eggs we share today call to mind the new life of resurrection.”

3. “May the meats of our Easter feasting call us to be thankful for God’s abundant love.”

4. “May the sweets before us lead us to celebrate the richness of God’s gift of salvation.”

5. “May all of the blessings manifested on this table remind us of God’s limitless love & promise.”

Leader: “Lord we thank you for blessing the food before us. May it lead us to be a blessing to all those we encounter. Help us to be mindful of all in need and open our hearts to share our bounty with them. AMEN.”

All: Say your traditional family meal prayer.

Happy Easter!