Dear Friends!
I am delighted that we are able to be together this Easter. God is with us to save us, heal us and to give us a share in divine life. I am so happy to witness your faith. It has been so evident throughout this time of the pandemic. I am so happy that I received the vaccine and can now minister Holy Communion to you again.
I have enjoyed the Lenten celebrations with you leading into a beautiful Holy Week. My faith is again renewed. This is uniquely Catholic, that Jesus is truly present among us in the mystery of the celebrations. Yes, Jesus comes to us in the bible, especially when we read it together. But we know that he is also present in each other, and in the ritual, the music, the prayers, the priest, and most perfectly, in the form of bread and wine (his body and blood).
We speak about, pray about, and sing about the “Pascal Mystery.” Pascal mystery is the living and present reality of Christ’s passing from death to life. It is not just history. We call it mystery. It is in the present. It is communicated to us especially in the seven sacraments. Seven different graces which unveil the mystery and make its effects manifest in our lives. That means… that I die and rise constantly!…and so do you. I die to the realities of sin, fear, sickness, and weakness. I rise to reconciliation with God, courage, health, and virtue. And so do you. This reality gives me joy.
Thank you for being here. Thanks for celebrating here. You are all welcome here. If I may serve you in any way, please contact me.
+Love, Father Pete