A Community of Joyful Praise and Gentle Kindness

Come Join Us!

Mass Times

Saturday Vigil
5:00 PM
9:00 AM & 11:00 AM
Monday – Thursday
11:00 AM
Holy Days
11:00 AM

Confession Times

4:00 to 4:45 PM
By Appointment
Fish Fry photo

Join Us for Lenten Fish Fry Fridays

March 14th, 21st, & 28th, April 4th & 11th
4:30 p.m. – 7 p.m.

Adult Dinner (11 & Up)


Kid's Dinner (10 & Under)


Dinners include the choice of one protein, two sides, cornbread, and a drink.

Protein Options
  • Baked Cod
  • Fried Pollock
  • Pierogies
  • Cheese Pizza
Side Options
  • Mac & Cheese
  • Hush Puppies
  • French Fries
  • Side Salad
  • Green Beans
  • Coleslaw
  • Apple Sauce

Baked goods bar will be available!

Thanks to our sponsor!

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Keeping the Faith Progress Report 2024

The Catholic Diocese of Cleveland developed the Keeping the Faith (2023) initiative as a guide to promote and enrich Catholic Education. The intention is to have all parishes engage in collaborations that strengthen and support Catholic Education and our parish communities.

We're collaborating on this initiative with Holy Family, Immaculate Heart of Mary, St. Joseph Parish, and Our Lady of Victory. Download the report to read about the progress we've made so far.


“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." — Matthew 5:9

It's time for the Catholic Charities Annual Appeal.

You can make your pledge during the in-pew appeal at Masses the weekend of February 15-16, or you can give online by tapping the button below.


“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." — Matthew 5:9

It's time for the Catholic Charities Annual Appeal. You can make your pledge during the in-pew appeal at Masses the weekend of February 15-16, or you can give online by tapping the button below.

Meet Father Pete

"In this world today where we so much want to be loved, and belong, I envision a Catholic parish that reaches out to every person in every circumstance. Ministry, for me, is all inclusive. The Catholic vision of Jesus is at once demanding and liberating. It is this vision of ministry that I extend to anyone interested. And so, whatever your background, history, sexual orientation, or your spiritual needs might be, why not give us a try. Maybe Jesus can touch you through our expression of the Catholic Church." – Fr. Pete

Meet Father Pete

"In this world today where we so much want to be loved, and belong, I envision a Catholic parish that reaches out to every person in every circumstance. Ministry, for me, is all inclusive. The Catholic vision of Jesus is at once demanding and liberating. It is this vision of ministry that I extend to anyone interested. And so, whatever your background, history, sexual orientation, or your spiritual needs might be, why not give us a try. Maybe Jesus can touch you through our expression of the Catholic Church." – Fr. Pete

St. Eugene Financial Report 2024

Below you will find a summary of the detailed financial report we have submitted to the Diocese of Cleveland for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024; we will also have a copy inserted into the bulletin in the format mandated by the diocese. As pastor, I am personally grateful to the members of our Finance Council/Bookkeeper & Business Manager for their expertise, advise, and oversight. St. Eugene continues to be free of debt and current on all bills and financial obligations; we have savings for unforeseen needs. If you are interested in reviewing the complete report submitted to the diocese, you are welcome to do so upon request. Finally, as your pastor I am grateful to all who support our parish financially, and I appreciate the faith, sacrifice, and confidence which your continued support of Saint Eugene represents. ~ Fr. Pete